Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Cast of Characters
2002-12-11 7:55 p.m.

Someone suggested this, and I thought it was a good idea. Chessy, but in a good way ^_~ Hey, I am a film kid after all...

I'm saying this as a warning right now -- This journal, no matter how many questions I answer, will never be perfectly clear. That is not my intention. All I desire is a realease of (mostly negative) emotions that are haunting my brain. This is meant to be an abstract watercolour -- Not a Polariod.


Kira -- My life, my reason for living. Kira is my lover and the main subject of...well, just about everything. Also called Moi Hitori no Boku, Koi, Abou, etc.

Nicolas -- My Sempai, Kira's older brother. My best friend, and my nii-sama. He was one of the only people who ever meant anything to me. No matter how long, I will always love him, and always remeber him.

Mercutio -- Friend, confidant. One of the only human beings I can stand for extended periods of time.

Thief -- Another old friend, known thru Kira. Lends me webspace ^_^ Co-owener of a little site called Yuumei

Kage -- Thief's wife, my little sister. Draws me pictures ^_^ Other owner of Yuumei

Suta -- An adorable little girl who befriended the monster. She's not exactly a little girl, but still. Wonderful, beautiful...and much more intelligent than me. My itty bitty little sister. ^_^

Honda -- Arch enemy, and also one of my best friends. Things have changed and we have come to terms, so I hate him just about as much as I love him, really. Also know as the fake fag.

Shizuka -- Honda's wife. A really good friend I've known forever. She is my friend, but she still is a snob, a bitch, and pretty much a whore.

Lozzo -- A very, very, good friend of mine (even though he keeps trying to molest the Vash doll...) who is in the far, far, away land of Texas at the moment.

Dakini -- simply beautiful. She reflects a piece of myself that I wish I still had.

Scion -- Idiot kid who likes to rant. Ya know, me.


Torine -- Wow, how do you descirbe such a person? Torine is fat, loud, and egocentric. I once hit her rent-a-pork husband over the head with a 2-by-4. Ahh, good times.

Roze -- A friend turned scary stalker after I did a scene with her for a short. Gahhhh.


Project Seeds -- The old dead anime fansubbing channel/site that me and three others not really mentioned here founded back in the day. Started in 95 and lasted till 98. If you look hard enough, you can actually find some of our shit still on WinMx.

HK and SOS (aka The Old Regime) -- Okay, now this one is gonna take a little explaining. Back when I was a freshmen in high-school, the freak kids were tormented and picked on and rideculed. All the freaks (who before stuck to their own mini-group of one or two friends) bound together as a mesure of protection. Thus, HK (the boys side) and SOS (the girls side) were born. "Governed" by the group of goths, it prospered. This started the year before I got there (when I was in 8th grade) and Kira knew the people who were the big parts of this group. HK was lead by Mercutio, then by Thief. SOS was lead by a girl named Torine, then by Shizuka. Thief and Mercutio had a good amount of power on there own. But when they joined forces, they commanded all the respect of the school. (Fuck, I know I'm gonna hear shit about this, but oh well) Mercut was like the Martin Luther King jr figure; the pasifist who had peoples respect. Thief was like the Malcom X figure; he got things done, and held fear and a different kind of respect. Either one could (and have) still walk into that school and hold all of their attention. Me and Kira were in the second highest ranks of HK. Then, a few years later, Kage came along. She was beautiful, smart, and what all the SOS girls wish they were. She walked in their and commanded all of their respect. Torine had ass-licked for years to get her power (and she did have a good amount of power) but Kage walked in thier and just took it. She was like Cleopatra; and Thief turned out to be her Anthony. Torine made her her protage, SOS's princess. And she almost instantly had a million times more power than Torine. The difference in power is, well, Torine now has none. Kage dosen't have the same power as Mercutio and Thief in being remembered, but she has something that's a lot more powerful; she can command respect of any freak she comes across. Any. I've seen it a million times, it's quite bizarre, like thier drawn to her. When Thief and Kage left, the groups all but crumbled. HK still exists in a diluted form; but SOS is probably gone forever.

Pandemonium, FoD -- The old domain and old journal. Pandemonium existed as a venting of the dark period of my life. The period when things with Kira were hidden, when I hated myself and everything. Now that those scars are healed, I gave it away and now reside here at Diaryland.

You can find more information on my uninteresting life here or here, even though I dunno why you'd want to. If you have any questions, you can email me.

+==Destroy Once Done==+