Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Heart-Shaped Coffin
2003-7-21 10:36 p.m.

Someone emailed me *Is my adress even posted anywhere on here? I guess they got my email from my old account. Oh well, it's [email protected]. I don't give a bloody fuck anyway, ha* asking me basicly my life story, how I got with Kira, what my goals are, what we look like, what type of stuff do I like, yadda yadda yadda. And seeing as how I have nothing better to talk about *and despite my numerous blogs, have never done*, I'll talk about that.

Well, I'm 19 and my name is...well thats really none of your business. Just Scion, kay? I live under the blistering sun of the NM-ican desert. I'm gonna be attending film school in spring, then moving to Jersey, and try opening a comic book shop. What is Kira to me? Well, he's...damn, it feels too fucking formal to say "husband" and too informal to say "best friend WhoIFuckOnTheSide". I just usually refer to him as "mou hitori no boku" or something of that nature.

Past? Well, thats a little harder...I grew up getting beat up most the time. my so called father died when i was a baby, so my mom basiclly had the entire family "raise" me. All my family member died one by one, at least one a year from really early on. I made best friends in elem. school with this scruffy little blonde kid who got beat up too. So me and Kira got along really well, having similar homes lives and such. So I guess we clung to each other. We went to seperate middle schools and I guess thats where things started messing up. I've got a few problems (mentally, I mean), bipolar being one of them, along with a bunch more I can't pronounce. I also developed anorexia. Don't develope the misconception that I'm some whiny little prepy teenage girl who sticks her finger down her throat so she can look like a supermodel. I'm actually quite the opposite. I never did it for apearence. I'm FUCKING GRUNGE for Ra's sake. I never cared about my weight. Things got out of control, and I staved myself and shoved a finger down my throat so I could control something, I guess. As a relief of sorts, like cutting (which I did too) I would just rather do that and keep it to myself. My problems, right? So I went into highschool a fucked up tweaking suicidal brat. I found Kira again, not trusting him of course, because I'm a cynical little fucker. But it freaked me out how attracted I was to him. He brought me into his group, and there I meet Torin (the big fat fucking goth) Mercutio (The Crow wanna-be) and Shizuka (the punk *cough-preppieinplaid-cough*). I also re-met up with Thief and Kage again, those fools. I (naturally) got attached to Kira again, and we were alone together alot. When ever we happened to be around one of his girlfriend I'd get all quiet and pissy and get upset and leave if he kissed them, but of course I had no feelings for him *nodnod*. We were kinda "exmerimenting" one day and we started kissing. I went a lot further, and were imensly freaked out by how comfortable we were doing it. We got together, hid it for a while, then came out, time passed, blah, blah, blah, suicidal-ness and anorexia go away. I still have all the mental deficiencies, but the only things that really mattered are gone. In short, Kira saved my life, and in more ways than one. (I have a tendency to accidentally walk out in front of cars, hee) End of story? Not really, but those troubles wouldn't really interest any of you.

What we look like?? That's kinda a weird question, ne??? Well Kira-chan looks like Vash from Trigun (remember when he had his hair long and floppy and unshaven? Yeah, like that). And I look like Laurence from Kaori Yuki's Boys Next Door.

Alright, now this is the fun part:



Angel Sanctuary


Vampire Hunter D

Cowboy Bebop

YuuYuu Hakusho

Ghost in the Shell


Yami No Matsuei

Anything from KY


Terminator series!!!! ^0^

Lilo & Stitch

Dogma (and all View Askew)

Batman Forever


South Park BL&U

Romeo + Juliet

The Matrix

Nightmare Before Christmas

Interview w/ The Vampire



silverchair *cough-dioramawasapieceofcrap-cough*


Coal Chamber

slipknot/Stone Sour



SPF 1000

Kidney Thieves


Other faves:

Song-Heart Shaped Box

Comic- The Watchmen

Looney Toon-Daffy

Cartoon-Courage the Cowardly Dog

Cartoon Director-Chuck Jones

Snd trx-Queen of the Damned

Dead show-Buffy

YGO char- Pegasus J. Crawford

AS char-Sakuya Kira(big fat duh)

Video games- Alice, Kirby, Zelda, all the DM series

Book- Thru the Looking Glass

Indy comics-Lenore and Gloom Cookie

Classic Hero-Batman (fuck yes)

Pets: Neko--Toonces Inu--Sadie


+==Destroy Once Done==+