Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Happy Matrix Day!!!!!!!!! ^_^
2003-11-05 7:05 p.m.

Well, as the title says, happy Revolutions day. I couldn't see it today *sob* but plan on seeing it tomorrow, or this weekend. Or this month. Well, at least why'll it's still in theaters. Hopefully.

You can meet some pretty fucking interesting people at the library. Yesterday, we met these people who asked if we knew where The Gathering for The San Francisco Hot Springs was. Clearly freaks like us, we're extremly curious as to what the hell that is. (If anyone knows, please let me know, it'd be much abliged.

And today, this lady came up and started a conversation. We talked about how it was in San Diego and how much more of a hell hole it was there than here. We talked until we had to go to school. And so many more very fucking interesting people. It's really nice to have my cofidence in humanity partialy restored.

Then theres the other side of the coin: Man, I've gotten to hate thug chicks. We manage the little store at school, and all these little girls come in and try to flirt with Kira. I mean, it's not new; Kira's one of those guys who seems to give off pheromones. Everyone we've ever been cool with (and I do mean everyone) has had some sort of thing for him. He's got this presense. It's really really hard to describe. He has this...erm...for lack of a better explanation...Lestat-yness to him. And I don't care if people flirt w/ him, coz he's mine. And I'm definetely not intimidated buy some fat chick in baby blue fubu listening to 50 cent. I'm just pissed that the little bitch was so presumptuous to think that she could take him.

Alright, alright. Enough of my ranting. I just lost my empathy a long time ago. And I like to bitch a lot. Heeh.

+==Destroy Once Done==+