Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Frequently Asked Questions (Largely Stolen From Pandemonium)
2004-04-05 8:27 p.m.

Ahh, now on to the FAQ. I stole these from my old site, so some of them don't exactly apply. Just ignore them.

Where do you get your designs? And what are they? They're awesome.

I make my own designs. Thanks for the compliment. The picture is generally from manga or American McGee's Alice. (the current one is from the manga MPD Physco) I generally don't design things for other people, but if your nice to me and ask and read my diary, I'll make you one.

What does such and such mean? It's very confusing.

It's what I'm feeling at the time. I don't like to talk about my day. My head is full of helter skelter, and generally so is my writing. I'm also manic depressive (or bipolar disorder) so there's times I write this huge rant and read it the next day w/o even knowing what it was about. There's been times I don't even remember writing.

Your lack of belief is so sad. Your probably so depressed because you haven't yet let God into your life. Let Jesus guide you, my child. Leave your perverted ways and follow the light!

Believe it or not folks, I actually got this message once. And a few variations of it. Fuck, people, when will you learn??.I'm fine with my ways and have no intention of changing them. And I HAVE found my own light. I'm Buddhist, and I'm happy that way.

What does your site name mean?

Long, philosophical sounding explanation: Pandemonium is a statement on my life. My world is in the negative, and it's my way of turning the sand and trying to understand why. Ascension is my ranking up, from coming down from my problems. It's my way of dealing with the pain of being happy.

Real reason: They're both level's on American McGee's Alice.

Where did you get Scion and the rest of your friends names?

Scion means a few different things. Unlike everyone else, it's not a character name. The word literally means "The last existing offshoot and heir in a line of power." It's kind of a joke. I also stole it from Dogma and a comic of the same name. Kira is named after Kira Sakuya from Angel Sanctuary. Someone made a comment that we reminded them of Setsuna and Kira in how we acted with each other, and it stuck. Mercutio is just what it sounds like, stolen from Romeo and Juliet. His real net handle is Guardian, which I thought was lame, (like Scions not?) so I changed it. The rest are the individuals handles.

So, are you Japanese, or white, or something else? I'm so cunfused.

*Can't stop laughing* All if the above. I'm part Japanese, part American Indian, and part white. My father died when I was a baby, and my mom taught me Japanese out of nostalgia, I guess. It was my first language. She stopped teaching me when I was five so I wouldn't be teased in school. (Kira says I still spoke w/ a Kansai dialect, but anyways) and that's also how I got into anime. (remember when it was called "Japanimation?") I re-learned it when I was older. So that's why I speak Japanese fluently, but I can not read it to save my life.

Who are you? I mean, really. The way you talk, it makes me feel like I know you, but at the same time, I have absolutely no clue who you are. I mean, what's your name, what kind of things are you into? Maybe post a picture or two of you and Kira?

Well, the thing is, it's impossible to know who I am. Scion...Scion is more of an entirely different personality. I'm a shattered looking glass, and Scion is a piece of that. That personality is what writes in this diary. That's why there's periods of time where I don't write for days or weeks, and times when I write seven times a day. He's just a piece of the whole, and it's more important to me to release the negativity that being this piece entitles than try to sort out everything about me. Sorry, but your never gonna get any more than what I'm giving you right now.

Why do you fill your mainly English diary w/ Romanaji? Can't you just translate it?

The answer The sporadic Japanese in here is here for a reason. Okay, have you ever thought of a word and couldn't think of a synonim for it? Well, that's the way it is for me. Japanese and English get mixed in my head, and I really don't see the transition and don't realize I'm doing it; I also talk this way. I don't snap to it until somebody points it out to me. And then there are other times I don't really want you to understand what I'm saying. I like it that way.

You seem to over-use metaphors and use too much "smart-talk". It's very vague, and it also sounds like your trying too hard to sound smart.

Alas, I am a poet. *laughs* No, this writting is nothing more then the spiderwebs that fill my head. I like being vague. I don't wish to talk about myself or my day; I prefer to express my thoughts and emotions about them. Haveing to explain everything would defeat the purpose.

You seem like a really cliche person. When you grow up, you'll be over the whole doom, gloom, and anime thing.

*Sigh* For one, I am not a "doom and gloom" person. Certain aspects in me, my writing, and the things I enjoy tend to be "darker", but that is just because I'm a somber person. I always have been. For two, (defensive mode) anime was my thing before it was called "anime". (I still have a tendandcy of refering to it as Japanimation) I owned a fansubbing site from 94-98. And besides, I AM JAPANESE, fools.

+==Destroy Once Done==+