Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
All Apologize
2003-10-21 8:04 p.m.

Well, I suppose some of you (namely Akai, I've got like ten emails from you in the last week!) are wondering why I gave up the old domain. Well, I needed to get out of the shadow of Pandemonium. That was then. So I gave it to the owner of one of the fansites I hosted and got rid of it. That was my old life. This is now, what I am now. And for those of you who like to read Pandemonium...well, I deleted it. I needed the catharsis. When I started this a few months ago, things were still kinda not okay. But now that the old scars are all seemingly healed, it was just the time. So I took all the old enteries, switched them here, and started anew. Ascension (thrown together as it may be) is my life now. Pandemonium is gone and ever shall be.

Well, I'm trying to get used to this switch. Fuck!! I miss my own web-space. I'm not used to all these restrictions. I used to have mp3s and art and all kinds of crap!! Though, I do kinda like this community setting (Did I, just say that??? *shudders*)'Course, the idiot's at Yuumei are letting me use their webspace. It's kind like part of a "network" so-to-speak. Were buying a domain together and their putting up Yuumei along w/ a few of Kage and Thief's side projects, and Ascension. For now though (as lame as it is) were just going to have this button thingie that says "Part of the Dark Gift Network" and a button to each of the sites. Corny as hell, but I do like it. It's refreshing, ya know? New chapter, I need everything to be done over.

So I guess what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is "I'm sorry." This isn't Pandemonium--and if that's all you were here for then I'm sorry. So I guess I'll shed some readers, gain some new I guess this the official death of the entirety of FoD, Project Seeds, the old crew, and all the joy and pain that went along with it. And I'm not's sorta bittersweet, but I'm not gonna mourn anything. I'm tired of mourning.

So this is the new chapter. This is my ascension. Enjoy the ride.


+==Destroy Once Done==+