Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Dragged (screaming) Into Adulthood...
2004-02-21 1:41 a.m.

Upon this, the eve of my twentieth birthday, I would like to briefly address one issue:


Ahem. Well, I'm glad to get that off of my chest. Now back to what I really have to say.

For a person such as myself, one so scared and generally only amused by licentiousness, I found my affection going toward a beautiful little angel of white.

Aroused by intrusive yellow light, I rose earlier than normal and went to the laundry. Simple and mundane life, as usual. As I was sitting playing Zelda, this beautiful little five or so year old girl sat next to me and said hi. She was so wonderful; young and unspoiled. I sat there with a stupid smile on my face as I talked to her. All I wanted to do was put her in a little bubble and protect that air of innocence and light that surrounded her.

To be so young...not yet realizing the badness that fills up her environment. Having no knowledge of those who would wish to do her harm. Not repulsed by the cynics and antagonists like me. It made me remember the cruelty of what there was to face. I walked over to the quarter machine, and bought her a couple of dollars worth of toys. I felt a need to be remembered by her, even if for a short time. It's a foolish hope that such a miniscule action would achieve this, but it was all I could do. As soon as her mother saw the little faggey kid in a trench coat and makeup, she hushed her away.

All I could think of for the rest of the day was the weight of this world baring blindly down. The pain that exists, even here in our perfect little land of the free (detect the sarcasm?) is heavy for fragile arms. The death and famine that seeps around them is an unfair demand to face. Were throwing our spawn into hell and expecting them to survive. It's asinine.

At the same gives me some piece of hope. If a light as pure as that exists in a room full of blood splattered wails and the screams of so many gluttons for punishment, maybe we have a chance.

+==Destroy Once Done==+