Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
2004-06-27 11:38 p.m.

As you probably already know, I'm a director and an artist. I take shots for texture, re-maps, etc, etc, etc. These are a few I found interesting. All open in a new window.

Evil Dead Tree

This extremely evil tree that lurks in my front yard. Leaves will randomly bloom, then abruptly die. Creepy, I tell you.

Hole in Evil Dead Tree

Just a close up on the split in same tree.

FS Building

This is from the outside of my old college. I really liked the architecture of the neighbour building.


A shot of Indian School of the balcony of the loft I'm moving into.

Early Morning Laid to Rest

A shot of St. Mary's, as a funeral hearse pulled up to the church. I found it slightly odd for such a service to take place at five in the morning. I was respectful and didn't include the mourners.


A shot of the blooming olive trees at school, along with Kira's ponytail. ^_^

Shining Thru

Pure dawn sunlight pouring thru the holes in my screen door.


Some neat patterns in the sidewalk, along with camera error.

Under a Sky So Blue

Laying down, looking up thru the trees. A really beautiful shot.

A Cretin.

Just as stated. Your cynical host.

Out of Angle

Kira's crooked handy work, trying to get a shot of me still in my work clothes. Does make a hell of a perspective, thou.

Oil Stain

Look into my eyes and tell me exactly who I am.

+==Destroy Once Done==+