Kill the Spiders to Save the Butterflies.... The Past Make Contact All That Shimmers... A Link to the Past
Constantly I Think of Things I Can't Complete...
2004-02-04 10:52 p.m.

*Sigh* I feel a need to address, since I get asked it so frequently. People constantly ask me if I have weed on me, and when I say that I don't, everybody is shocked and astound. The simple fact is, when your strapped to a bed for days w/ an IV full of a cocktail of lithium, some kind of tranq, and some sort of anit-physcotic, you don't crave anything of the sort. I don't like things that mess with me head. Something else was controlling me then, and I care to be no one's puppet. Meeh...

Anyway, on with the real entry.

It's hard to make sense of things sometimes. I find I used to be full of life and energy--I wanted to change things. Pieces of me cried out for some sort of difference. But now...everything feels like a chore. Like some sort of duty. I feel the need to take certain responsibilities and make them mine; and in doing so, I feel I must make the decisions. And I guess that this self induced stress has weighed deep on my shoulders. All these responsibilites...especially those I do not care to mention here. My attacks have been gaining frequency, and my thoughts have been all but tangled. Kira looked me in the eye today and told me to stop.

He told me that it was not my chore. That I didn't have to hold the sky up. I can't help but wonder thou...If I'm not there to hold it up, who will?...

+==Destroy Once Done==+